The Central Institute of Technology Diploma in AMT Admission Test --2025 (CITDAMTAT--2025) will be conducted in a duration of Three (03) hours with a total of 150 marks. The question paper will consist of two (2) parts: PART - A & PART - B. The question papers will carry 100+4 questions in total.
comprises of four (4) sections with total of 100 questions. All questions are objective type and of multiple choices with four (4) options of answers. Below are the details of all the Sections
Section-1: General Knowledge:
Questions will come from - basic general knowledge, current affairs, basic history knowledge, sports, music, art & entertainment, etc
Section-2: English Communication:
Questions will come from - Word Formation, Vocabulary extension. Elements of Grammar: Sentence elements, parts of speech, static and dynamic, Preforms, question and negation, tag question. Verbs and the verb phrases, appropriate preposition. Articles and determiners, Revision of Present, Past and future tenses, Punctuations, Types of sentences, Structure of sentences, word order.
Section-3: Computer Fundamentals:
Questions will come from - basic computer knowledge, computer parts, functions, input-output devices, basic MS office, typing, printing etc
Section-4: Creative Ability:
Questions will come from - simple puzzles, image/symbol identification, basic general knowledge of art, design and creative field etc.
All questions carry equal marks of one (1) and total is Hundred (100)
NOTE : There is no negative marking
PART - B :
Comprises of two (2) sections with total of 04 questions.
SECTION-1:Will have questions related to these topics.
Drawing skill based :
A basic illustration will be shown in the question which need to be drawn in a space given on the answer paper. Evaluation will be done based on drawing skill and quality of the illustration.
Creative ability based :
Guidelines or reference lines of certain objects will be given which need to be complete creatively by drawing around the lines.
SECTION-2:will have questions related to these topics.
Analytical question :
Theme of a subject line will be given based on which an illustration needs to be made fulfilling the subject line.
Creative explanation based :
A short story board will be shown which should be written based understanding.